gtag('config', 'AW-852070201');

Your source for golf course pricing, yardage, tournament listings, a handy map and more.


Search for over 130 courses by course name, city, or state. Click Name, Course, City, or State to sort by any variable you want.

Course Name Phone Holes City State
Hidden Valley Golf Course 605-582-2424 18 holes
Brandon SD
Brandon Golf Course 605-582-7100 18 holes
Brandon SD
Dawson Creek Golf Course 605-583-4244 9 holes
Scotland SD
Lead Country Club 605-584-1852 9 holes
Lead SD
Bon Homme Country Club 605-589-3186 9 holes
Tyndall SD
River Ridge Golf Course 605-594-6234 9 holes
Garretson SD
Meadow Creek Golf Course 605-627-5444 9 holes
Volga SD
Six Mile Creek Golf Course 605-629-2121 9 holes
White SD
Lenkota Country Club 605-647-5335 9 holes
Lennox SD
Hillcrest Golf & Country Club 605-665-4522 18 holes
Yankton SD
Fox Run Golf Course 605-668-5205 18 holes
Yankton SD
Rocky Knolls Golf Course 605-673-4481 9 holes
Custer SD
The Bluffs Golf Course 605-677-7058 18 holes
Vermillion SD
Edgebrook Golf Course 605-692-6995 18 holes
Brookings SD
Brookings Country Club 605-693-4315 18 holes
Brookings SD
Spearfish Canyon Golf Club 605-717-4653 18 holes
Spearfish SD
The Golf Club at Red Rock 605-718-4710 18 holes
Rapid City SD
Elkhorn Ridge Golf Club 605-722-4653 18 holes
Spearfish SD
Spring Creek Country Club 605-743-2000 18 holes
Harrisburg SD
Southern Hills Golf Course 605-745-6400 18 holes
Hot Springs SD